Alex Stein

Workshop Description

Feeding your demons is a powerful form of shadow work adapted from an ancient Tibetan practice called Chöd. This process uses the power of the imagination to transform even the most tenacious patterns. Use it to heal, to reclaim power, to lighten and uplift your energy, and untie the knots that keep you from your true self.

About Alex

I began life with certain “knowings”. In my earliest memory, I am singing “Row Your Boat”, when I am suddenly struck by the question “what if life IS but dream?” Later, I got a download about DNA, 9 dimensions, and immortality—I thought I was just doing science.

These knowings went dormant during my teens and twenties, as I pursued a career in music, but they awoke again in my early thirties after I discovered shamanism, meditation, astrology, and psychedelics.

This reawakening turned my life upside down—marriage, career, friendships all fell apart. At the same time, my path led me into realms of beauty and magic I never thought possible, especially after awakening Kundalini Shakti, with the guidance of my mentor Raja Choudhury.

During the pandemic, I moved to Maui with my partner Hilary, who has been the greatest catalyst to my ongoing awakening. In April of 2021, our friends Amy and Nico visited the island and the four of us, together in ceremony, catalyzed my biggest awakening yet, where I fully experienced my universal nature and saw every aspect of my human life, down to the minutest detail, in its proper context.

While that awakening felt like my “arrival”, it was in fact only the beginning of the next phase of my journey, which continues to unfold with more magic by the day.

As Hilary, Amy, Nico, and Raja contributed to my awakening, I have been honored to hold space for others’ awakenings as a friend and coach. Chris Bache says in “LSD and the Mind of the Universe”, there is no such thing as a private awakening. Every day, more and more I experience myself as just one node in the vast, awakening conscious of this planet.

My service to planetary awakening takes several forms—as a teacher, coach, astrologer, and shamanic sound healer, co-leading ceremonies with Hilary. I am currently pursuing a PhD at the California Institute of Integral Studies in East-West Psychology, in the hopes of finding a new language to bring awakened understanding into public discourse.

My message to humanity: Quiet your mind, open your heart, and remember who you are.

How to contact:

Alex's 21st Century Alchemy Facebook Page