
A VIRTUAL YOSOY Network Summit

HELD is a virtual conference in which we come together as a network and share knowledge to hold and support each other as we continue to walk our paths of assisting Mother Earth and Humanity in the planetary ascension process. Matias de Stefano’s guidance helped us to Remember. Now it is time for us to spread our wings and fly, knowing that we always have our network to lean on. Whether you have walked the I Am path, or you are just starting out, know that you are Held.

The details of the November 2023 conference, including links to replays, are included on this page.

November 5, 2023

  • Held by Mt. Shasta on the Solstice

    A YOSOY Family Sharing of Galactic Magic

    (California, USA)

  • Monika Walas

    The Science & Benefits of Breathwork

    (London, England)

  • Marta-Kristi Pold

    The Sedona Method: Unblocking Inner Peace

    (San Francisco, CA, USA)

November 12, 2023

  • Alex Stein

    Feeding Your Demons, Transmuting Darkness, & Harmonizing Polarities

    (Benicia, California, USA)

  • Initiatic Path U.K.

    Held by Gaia’s High Heart Chakra

    A YOSOY Family Sharing of the Magical Initiatic Path in the United Kingdom

    (Great Britain, Peru, and USA)

  • Lucia Prayogo

    Aligning with all Dimensions & Kundalini Activation


November 19, 2023

  • Elizabeth Mehr

    Going Into the Akasha

    (Madrid, Spain)

  • Veronica Polo Torok

    Interacting with AI

    (Ubeda, Spain)

  • Dounia Safouane

    The Science & Benefits of Sound Healing

    (Casablanca, Morocco)

November 26, 2023

  • Elena Dominguez Escudero

    Despacho, an Ancestral Offering of Gratitude to Mother Earth

    (North Carolina, USA)

  • Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa

    Tibetan Wisdom: Padmasambhava, Mantra Chanting, and the Meaning of Lama

    (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)

  • Peter Mt. Shasta

    Invoking the I AM Presence

    (Mt. Shasta, California, USA)

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