YOSOY Shasta Sol is the name given to a collective that sprung out of a June of 2023 meeting in Mount Shasta and that is now expanding to facilitate new gatherings worldwide. Our upcoming event is the Held Virtual Summit in November of 2023.

The Big Welcome

Without us knowing, this meeting was planned long before we arrived in Egypt in 2022. On the first day, we went to Bunny Flats at the base of Mt. Shasta and in a circle surrounded by snow and rose petals we received many important messages. Our intention was to connect with Mount Shasta and request permission for our presence there. We started with a meditation guided by Luna attuning, welcoming all parts of ourselves, and grounding us. Soon after, amidst our noble silence, we were surrounded by an immense warmth of love. JoyfulSun began speaking in light language as she felt the presence of a Being from Telos. Through her 3rd eye, she was shown vivid colors similar to blue/violet and blue/indigo, but of which there are no descriptions in our human language. The blue/violet covered the crown chakra, and the blue/indigo covered the throat chakra of humanity. And there was Great Love for Humanity, the beautiful cells of Gaia.

He said, β€œThank you all for coming. We have all called you here. Because you were connected to us in the Great Pyramid; and because of your presence here - you answering our call - we illuminated in each one of those persons who were there (whether in person or through intention) in February 22, 2022 in the Great Pyramid, we have activated their crown chakra. The Violet Flame will be enlightened on their crown chakras forever. Wherever they go and whatever you do, in the time when they feel they are lost, they never will be lost because we are always with them. We downloaded it in each one of them because you answered our call to be here. We have also activated the Blue Flame of the throat chakra into each one of those souls. They answered the call to be in Egypt and we are grateful. You brought them here for us because we needed that connection so we could connect ourselves. We needed your DNA, the essence of You and the human form that you are. That is what we do not have and that is what you gave us today. Thank you.”

After a short pause, he said that someone had a question. Luna asked who was speaking to us and he said, β€œI am Heron from beneath that Mountain that you see. Welcome to our land…. We sense your gratefulness, and we return it to you. Together we are grateful, and we create the storm of gratefulness that will be forever in your hearts and in ours.” Then Luna asked Heron to tell us more about the Mountain. β€œThis Mountain that you see that many seek but do not understand, it is one of the greatest cells of Mother Earth. It welcomed us long, long ago, when we had nowhere to go….” Then a Telosian appeared by each person’s side and guided us (through our 3rd eye) into their realm where we were treated to an array of crystalline colors beyond our imagination. β€œWalk around with me. Do you see that it is as if it is daylight?....”

And thus began earthly, ethereal, and galactic adventures at Mt. Shasta in a span of a few short, yet powerful days, which we will share with you during our talk on November 5th.

We expanded beyond who we thought we knew ourselves to be. We were told that we were not special, but in our own humble way, we had a role to play in the great planetary ascension.  Many have awakened and many more are just about to do so.  Our role was to encourage everyone to fly and expand our understanding of what it means to be human. We were to play, have fun, and reach out to hold the hands of those who would call on us.
