Dounia Safouane

Dounia Safouane

Workshop Description

In this talk we will explore the power of sound and vibration. We will understand how vibration is fundamental to creating realities thus providing a mechanism for healing through sound but also through other types of vibration such as colour. Together we will experience the benefits of using sound as a healing modality and deepen our understanding of how it can help in our transformation process.

About Dounia

Dounia is a teacher, coach, and healer who accompanies individuals on their journey of transformation, helping them discover their inner strength and master the art of understanding, navigating, and ultimately creating their own reality.

She explains, “I firmly believe that each of us carries a spark from the divine source. This boundless well of potential is what empowers us to shape the life we aspire to. By bringing consciouness into our comprehension of life and our actions we forge deeper connections with humanity and our environment. We then understand that our lives are intricately interwoven and every stride we individually take towards more awareness contributes to the evolution of us all.

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