Elena Dominguez Escudero

My Story

“I was born in the beautiful country of Peru in Lima and in my search for answers to the challenges of this life, I discovered that the solutions were found in unknown planes and realities. I began to be aware that I was carrying something greater within me, although I did not yet know how to maintain a constant connection with that inner divinity, which some call God, the Creator, or the All. This quest became a journey toward healing and personal happiness, as well as an opportunity to share what is often overlooked or unknown. I learned to connect with the soul, the divine source that connects with everything and keeps the answers to all questions.”

My path

“It led me to delve deeper into reality through study, practice, research, and experience in holistic therapies that nourish, sustain, and expand spiritual awareness. Throughout my travels, I have known and expanded my perception and unknown information, holistic therapies acquired in Bio-Decoding, Hypnosis, Access Bars, Reiki, medicinal plants and Coaching. In addition, I have had the privilege of sharing and researching with people who have extrasensory gifts, capable of perceiving other dimensions and connecting with loved ones who are no longer on this plane. I have also shared experiences with ancient civilizations that preserve their ancestral wisdom and pass it on from generation to generation. This path has allowed me to put together a valuable puzzle and understand the other energy bodies, as well as perceive other realities.”

My Mission

“My mission is to support you in the process of reconnecting with your true SELF, reminding you that we are not separate, that there is a deep unity and that your thoughts are in constant connection with spirit. I offer tools, sessions and ceremonies designed to open the portal to this spiritual understanding and experience. I just help you understand the process. to connect with the Spirit and the Spirit heals the Matter.”

How to contact:

Elena's Website