Elizabeth Mehr

Workshop Description

In this session, Elizabeth will walk you through some very interesting information regarding the akasha, where your soul is in many dimensions at the same time. Elizabeth will discuss how to access the information of your soul and meet your Guiding Masters. Accessing your Akashic Records fills you with love and you receive messages, advice and answers for your own evolution. Join Elizabeth in this session that will have an everlasting impact on you and your Soul!

About Elizabeth

“After more than 25 years of experience working in multinational companies, I made the decision to change my life, to give it a 180 ° turn and dedicate to my greatest passion: accompanying others to heal the soul. I specialized as a Regression Therapy Practitioner and Akashic Records Reader. Not only offering sessions but also teaching these two tools

My goal is to walk this path with you from a professional point of view, with respect and love, through your healing and transformation processes.

I have been on the self-healing and spirituality path for more than 30 years. All of these helped me balance the Body and Soul, with feet on the ground, open to the universe. We are energy anchored in a body, experiencing this life for our own soul evolution, and we are having the opportunity to heal.”

Elizabeth’s message to humanity

“When we heal the Soul, we become aware of the being of Light that we are (with our light and our shadow) and how fleeting our time on this planet is. Let's be great ancestors for ourselves and for the coming generations, being present in every moment and in coherence. And understanding that we are "playing the game of life", where we have the opportunity to learn, heal, and evolve. Healthy humans, healthy planet!”

How to contact

Website www.healintherapies.com

Facebook & Instragram @healintherapies