
About Joyfulsun

Joyful Sun is a Wanderer who grappled with the idea of “belonging” in the 3D existence since she was a toddler. Like many others, she grew up “knowing and understanding” there was something greater than this; that there was a “home” where she belonged, and it was not here. Significant people in her life denied the memories she spoke of even though she knew without a doubt they were there with her. She wandered and searched looking for clues and confirmation everywhere. When she saw signs and wonders, she yearned for more even though people made fun of her and spoke in contempt about her wanderings. Then the 3D existence beckoned her to give it attention…. She asked the “knowing” to let her be and they did. She lived a “normal” life – got a job, married, became a mother, and a Catholic church goer; and she busied herself with the duties that came with all those roles. The nudging never went away completely though, and it became strong again in 2019, when she searched for Indigo children on YouTube and Matias de Stefano popped up. That was it. The YOSOY path felt familiar and practical. Being a Capricorn, she allowed herself to be mired in her 3D work and could not follow every single day of the path. Still, her Guides worked on her, with her and through her, and she found herself in the Amazon jungle in Peru, then in Egypt, where she Remembered.

Now here she is asking her Guides to show her more as she slowly re-learns her capabilities beyond the 3D experience…and yet, it seems she has lessons yet to learn in that realm. She is grateful to occasionally be given a glimpse of home. Being Held by her community in the YOSOY Network has brought that sense of belonging and of being home to her.

Joyful Sun’s message to humanity

Remember that you are never alone and that you are loved beyond measure! When you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, find strength to remember that you created this simulation with the purpose of knowing all the possibilities that you are and all the possibilities that you can create. In the ultimate existence, there is only One of Us, which many call Creator God, Divine Source, the Great Central Sun, the Great I AM, the I AM that I AM, the One who is All that Is; and every lesson from our creations glorify our very Being. YOSOY!