Workshop Description

Using techniques she learned from many modalities and Matias De Stefano along her path, Lucia will guide us in practices to holistically balance our body, mind and spirit as we go about our everyday lives. She will help us recognize and align with the Dimensions and realize that We are our own Universe.

About Lucia

As a young child, the inner knowing that there was more beyond our 5 senses triggered great curiosity in me, but I felt I had to control what I saw in life. I did everything a person is supposed to do – go to school, get my degrees, work, and live a “normal” life in California and Indonesia. Yet my curiosity would not leave me alone and I found myself learning NLP, Indonesia Breathing exercise, Kundalini, Reiki, Merkabah, Akashic Records, and finally, Theta Healing. I also read many books related to the “woo-woo” spiritual world.

Theta Healing is what I relate to the most at the present time.  I am comfortable with using my 3rd eye because in Theta healing, we open our third eye into the 7 Dimensions to get clarity, and we function as an objective witness. Later, I found Matias de Stefano on YouTube in early 2020 and I joined him on the Yo Soy (I Am) path from Egypt and into its completion in Argentina in November 2022. The lessons with Matias brought me full circle from expression, experimentation, integration, and transcendence taking me to deeper wisdom and understanding of our collective reality and beyond, ready for whatever comes next.

My quest to learn even more continues and I have a profound urging to share what I learned and to support others who are in a similar journey, as well as those who are just discovering their paths. It is my hope that I can be of service to help everyone reach higher vibrations and to continue our network of sharing and joyfully learning together!

When you come to Indonesia, connect with me and let’s go to Gunung Padang together to connect with our ancestral earthly and galactic origins!

How to contact:


Instagram: @LusiaPrayogo

Facebook: lusia.prayogo.3