Peter Mt. Shasta

Workshop Description:

Each of us is sustained by a ball of God Consciousness Light known as the I AM Presence. We can bring that Presence into action with the words, "I AM," and so achieve Mastery. Peter Mt. Shasta will discuss how to activate that Presence to achieve mastery in the world, and so benefit all beings.

About Peter:

Peter Mt. Shasta was called to India in 1970 by Neem Karoli Baba. He spent time with Maharajji and Ram Dass and later wandered in the Himalayas where he lived with a yogi who studied with the immortal Babaji. Later he met Anandamayi Ma, Sathya Sai Baba, and other great souls. On returning to the US, the Ascended Master Saint Germain materialized before him and offered him the chance to ascend to a higher realm. After being shown the suffering of humanity, he decided to stay on earth and help Saint Germain in his work of bringing in teachings for the New Age. He was sent to Mount Shasta, where he met his teacher, Pearl, former director of the I AM Sanctuary of San Francisco and assistant to Godfre Ray King (author of Unveiled Mysteries). His work, under Saint Germain's guidance, has been to bring the ancient teachings of Tibet and India into harmony with the I AM Teachings given by Godfre Ray King. He has authored 12 books and has over 100 videos on YouTube.

Peter’s message to the world:

My work is to help people learn to still their minds so they can find their own God Presence, learn compassion, and achieve self-mastery for the benefit of all beings.

How to contact:

Peter's Website

Peter's YouTube