Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa

Workshop Description:

Join Lama Tsering as he teaches us how to extract truth and benefit from culture and spiritual traditions of Tibet shrouded in mystery and myths. Also learn the wisdom and practicality to dissolve distorted mindsets that prevent us from inner conflict and false projection.

About Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa

Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa is founder and spiritual director of the Bodhi Tree Institute, staff chaplain at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and a spiritual caregiver and meditation teacher in the VA Medical Center in Bedford, Massachusetts.

As a young child, he was a refugee in Nepal and India after escaping from the Chinese occupation of Tibet. From 1983 to 1990, he was the official translator and interpreter for Tibetan Buddhist meditation masters and scholars at the Kamalashila Institute for Buddhist Studies and Meditation in Germany. In 2000, under the spiritual direction of the late 14th Kunsig Shamarpa Rinpoche of Karma Kagyu, Tsering came to the United States to translate and teach Buddhist philosophy and meditation. 

Tsering is an interfaith chaplain with four units of CPE training and a certified field education supervisor for chaplain interns from Harvard Divinity School. He gives counsel to veterans participating in a research program on the benefit of spirituality in recovery from moral injury and PTSD.

Message to Humanity

“Let us all be inspired and have the aspirations to generate loving kindness and practice compassion for all those who breath and are sentient beings.”

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