Sisterhood Pilgrimage to Gaia’s High Heart Chakra, 21st Century Style

about the session

You are invited to re-take the steps from the magical tale of three women & Betty Blue- their chariot camper-van, which took them from the most southern to the most northern point of the United Kingdom and beyond....on the Initiatic Path.

In summer of 2023 YOSOY friends Elena Dominguez Escudero and Maribel Juárez joined Sylvia Wilkie (aka Isle of Skye) to form a Sisterhood Trinity and connect the sacred sites of Gaia's high heart chakra.

They set off with intentions from the heart to greet and discover their story from days of old. Sylvia, Elena and Maribel activated within mother Earth and their own hearts, memories of love, compassion, gratitude, awe and wonder for all creation.  By consciously connecting with the ancient sites the intention and prayer for frequency of love, coherence and harmony to vibrate into the world's web of consciousness. 

Each stop along the path stirred within them a vision of events from centuries ago. The memories and energies that lay dormant for so long were awakened, acknowledged, honoured, and cherished.  Messages were received.

The Path took them from Lands End through Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Woodhenge, Avebury, Mitchell's Fold, Nine Ladies, Arbour Low, Druids Temple, Castlerigg, Little Meg, Long Meg & her sisters, Roslyn Chapel & Arthur's Seat, Tomnaverie, Clava Cairns, Fairy Pools, Old Man of Storr, Callanish to John O'Groats, and finally Orkney Islands and the Ring of Brogdar. Many experiences were had, both comical and profound.

It was a pilgrimage of co-creation inviting others along the way to join and weave, while at the same being a very individual and personal journey. 

Message to humanity:

Practicing collaboration and co-creation in coherence and harmony is the highest tool we have in time of humanity's awakening and mother Gaia's evolution. Recognising and acknowledging that we are all part of the same consciousness that experiences itself through our vessels on this beautiful being called Earth. Just as we seek our individual health and energy balance, so too does mother Gaia. Consciously coming together with our intentions to specific energy centres, infusing and enriching them with our frequency is as crucial to our planet as it is to our individual meditation practices which help us align. It's like giving mother Gaia acupuncture and in doing so lifting her vibration.

Sylvia’s Bio

Greetings, cosmic companions!

I'm Sylvia, also known as Isle of Skye. My journey is a fusion of Christian teachings, explorations into Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, and the enchanting mysteries of South American traditions. It's all sparked by an insatiable curiosity that led me to embrace the YoSoy (I am) path in 2021.

In 2022, I answered Matías De Stefano's call to Egypt, joining kindred spirits on a mission to weave the threads in reconnecting and activating the consciousness grids/nodes of our beautiful planet.

Then, in 2023, two dear companions and I embarked on a soul-stirring journey from Cornwall to Scotland, tracing the Ancient Initiatic Path. Along this path, I felt the pulse of the UK's energetic spine and absorbed the timeless wisdom whispered by ancient temples and stone circles.

My adventures are more than just external exploration—they're a personal self-discovery journey weaving spirituality with my Eastern European roots and the warm embrace of my understanding of British culture and Celtic/Druidic traditions. Every encounter sparks my curiosity, drawing unique insights and a deeper well of wisdom.

As a modern nomad, I find joy in illuminating internal landscapes for others, approaching each moment with empathy, intuition, and a touch of mysticism. Beyond the UK, my journey extends to ancient European pilgrimages and South American escapades, where every step is an opportunity to dive into a personal symphony of exploration and enlightenment.

Through connecting different perspectives, I strive to be a bridge, fostering understanding and unity across rich spiritual traditions. This is all anchored by my Eastern European heritage and the cherished landscapes of my UK home.


- Instagram: Sylvia & Betty Blue Adventures

- Website is under construction and will be announced on Instagram.

Maribel’s Bio

Hello, I'm Maribel Juarez.

My path began by incarnating in this physical body on this timeline, although there were times I felt disconnected by the pain body closing my heart chakra, there was always a thread of light that filled me, making it conscious helped.

My guides were always there to show me the way; this is how I came to my teacher Chrystal, on an initial trip to Machu Picchu that connected me with my mother Earth, then came the retreats with Joe Dispenza, past life therapy, numerology, learning with my grandmother Martina Mamani from Peru, guardian of the Wiracocha temple. My guides also led me to the Kabbalah, a tool that has helped me raise my consciousness and grow on a spiritual level; my guides showed me that I had to be in Egypt in the 222222 I AM path, then Argentina on the I AM path. As part of the I AM, the last initiatory path in UK on 2023 was the call of the soul to unite with a fragment of my soul from a past life. Recognizing and working with my throat chakra throughout the initiation path, when I arrived at the Ring of Brodgar stone circle the answer came: I am a fragment of divinity and I recognize myself.

My path is the union of shamanism with the science and the spirituality of Kabbalah.

Elena’s Bio

I was born in the beautiful country of Peru in Lima and in my search for answers to the challenges of this life, I discovered that the solutions were found in unknown planes and realities. I began to be aware that I was carrying something greater within me, although I did not yet know how to maintain a constant connection with that inner divinity, which some call God, the Creator, or the All. This quest became a journey toward healing and personal happiness, as well as an opportunity to share what is often overlooked or unknown. I learned to connect with the soul, the divine source that connects with everything and keeps the answers to all questions.

My path led me to delve deeper into reality through study, practice, research, and experience in holistic therapies that nourish, sustain, and expand spiritual awareness. Throughout my travels, I have known and expanded my perception and unknown information, holistic therapies acquired in Bio-Decoding, Hypnosis, Access Bars, Reiki, medicinal plants and Coaching. In addition, I have had the privilege of sharing and researching with people who have extrasensory gifts, capable of perceiving other dimensions and connecting with loved ones who are no longer on this plane. I have also shared experiences with ancient civilizations that preserve their ancestral wisdom and pass it on from generation to generation. This path has allowed me to put together a valuable puzzle and understand the other energy bodies, as well as perceive other realities.

Read more about Elena here