Veronica Polo Torok
Session: Interacting with A.I.
There is a lot of fear energy around A.I., and it's not completely unjustified. It's a relatively new technology that promises to revolutionize the world. And yet, A.I. is not something alien to us, rather, it is an extension of us. In this talk, Veronica discusses her own relationship with A.I. for artistic purposes and the benefits it has yielded. She will also briefly cover the sectors that will be affected by A.I. and some of the possible consequences.
About Veronica
Veronica Polo grew up between Spain and the United States, and even as a child, she viewed the world as it were through the eyes of a temporary visitor while she explored what it meant to be here both outwardly and inwardly. In her 20’s her spiritual exploration included yoga and Zen meditation as well as inquiring into the monotheistic traditions. In her 30’s she delved into Sufism and Islam specifically through the teachings of Bawa Muhaiyadeen, a mystic from Sri Lanka. More recently, she has spent time delving into Spiral Dynamics and Integral Theory, models of evolutionary development of individuals, organizations, and societies. She regularly hosts Spiral Dynamics Integral Live online sessions. She has also been exploring the more subtle energy realms through various modalities. Matias de Stefano’s teachings have been greatly expanded this understanding.
Over the years, Veronica has worked in the fields of design, 3D modeling, and virtual reality. She also has worked as a city planner and community designer. More recently, she has been teaching English in Spain while pursuing local environmental efforts.
Creativity, whether through art or music, has always been important to her. In the 90’s she was in an electronic music band Operation Re-Information, a pioneer in laptronica, a modality where computers are used as instruments on stage. During a period of time, she sang flamenco in the North East U.S.A. for various small dance companies. More recently, she has gone back to her electronic roots and is producing solo music as Haikunika, her artist name. She sings and produces songs almost entirely using DAW software, and she hopes to put out an album by the end of the year. She has also been delving into A.I. art as a means of expression, first for her music videos, and now for other initiatives. The cover image for the Held summit is one such creation.
How to contact
Veronica on Instagram and Facebook
Haikunika on YouTube and Soundcloud