Zahira L. Buna

About Zahira

The beginning of my journey began with fire. Everything started to change in my life when we lost our family home to a fire in 2006. The path brought me to witness a lot of loss and death. I lived in a survival mode doing what was expected from family and society. I felt very lost and disconnected, constantly looking for answers outside of me. I ignored my inner guidance until it got really LOUD. I was physically forced to face my traumas and my fears.

Just when I thought I had finished going through the dark night of the soul, I realized it was just the beginning of the process. My life had been flipped upside down and all the polarities I needed to face were becoming present. My marriage being the catalyst is something I am forever grateful for. The medical world told me I was severely depressed and offered me a crutch. I knew that it wasn’t a solution to my problems. I was going to figure this out or die trying, so I became the student. Mother Earth invited me and Held me; I bathed in her harmonious frequencies of nature. I was in an orthopedic boot for over two years, but just like Forest Gump, it too fell off. Once I got out of victim mentally, I listened to my inner dialog through a lot of meditation. I recalled a lot of my childhood memories and reconnected with all those aspects that had to lay doormat until I was ready. I was in constant transformation, taking charge and following my heart. The Universe hears and continues to supply. I have dedicated my life into understanding metaphysics. The correct teacher appears at every step of the way. I was called to Egypt for the Matias DeStefano gathering, which opened a bigger door into the planetary work of raising consciousness. Solstice 2023 was my homecoming in Mt. Shasta. Suddenly, my whole life made perfect sense. It was all an exercise in how to show up for myself and for this beautiful planetary ascension process. Now I am living out my dreams and welcoming in all the magic this Earth Star has to give.

Message to humanity

We are walking mirrors of each other so when you heal, I heal, and soon we will all be in coherence living in pure bliss.

How to contact

Zahira's Instagram